The Dolphin House
The Dolphin House, a 18th century sandstone building in the style of Robert Adam, lies 200 metres south west of CuIzean Castle just above the highwater mark on the shoreline. It lies on a small raised beach backed by a fairly steep fossil cliff, giving it shelter from the north, east and south. During Victorian times the house was used as a laundry, the fresh water coming from a spring in the basalt lava rock just above the Bath House.
The Bath House
The Bath House lying to the South of the Dolphin House was the washhouse for the laundry. It has been restored with a new flat roof and is now a store for outdoor equipment.
The Cedarwood Lodge (The Bunkhouse)
Accommodation at the Dolphin House is provided mainly in a new cedarwood lodge. It lies 50 metres east of the Dolphin House up against an old sea cliff. It is wheelchair friendly with dedicated toilets and showers along with a laundry room.



Call us +44 (0) 1655 760 600 or
The Dolphin House, Culzean Castle and Country Park, by Maybole, Ayrshire, KA19 8JX